Special pricing and rate schedules are available inside our Houston Local Rate Zone. The LRZ encompasses most of the Upper Texas Coastal Petrochemical Complex including the Houston, Freeport, Brazosport, Baytown, and Port Arthur areas. The LRZ is designed to allow customers to utilize state-of-the-art imaging services on small scale projects requiring ultra-fast turnarounds.
SmartGeoMetrics has personnel and equipment staged and ready to respond 24 hours a day inside the LRZ. Hourly rates and 24-hour turnarounds are just two of the unique offerings available to customers located within this area.
Quality 3D imaging has been previously limited to larger scale projects which justify the mobilization and minimum charges usually required for the service.
Designers, operators and maintenance departments are one call away from immediate scheduling and service with 3D models or 2-drawings ready the next day with no minimums. Pre-qualify our crews with your site-specific training and we will waive the training time charges. We will be ready when the call comes in and on your site within hours, even if only to capture one flange!
Houston Local Rate Zone
Hourly rental rates are also available in the LRZ and we will deliver the equipment to your gate and pick it up when you complete the scan. Finishing services include having our technicians register and Q/C your data on-site. No extra training or software required.
To learn more about the LRZ or to pre-qualify contact us at lrz@smartgeometrics.com or call 713.574.6690